"Loyalist Descendants Journey West to Become Pioneers on the Prairies"
Presented by Barbara Andrew, UE
“Loyalist Descendents Journey West to Become Pioneers on the Prairies” will be presented by Barbara Andrew UE. Barb has submitted the following biography:
“With a lifelong love of all things historical, Barb enjoys the research involved in putting the “meat on the bones” when studying the genealogical lines of her family tree. Being descended from a colorful array of ancestors, who fought during the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Battle of Waterloo, Northwest Rebellion, WWI, WWII, and the Korean Conflict has provided thousands of hours of research fodder.
An interest in the United Empire Loyalists was spurred on by research her aunt had undertaken and involvement in the United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada took on a life of its own during the past twenty odd years. Barb is a past president of the Manitoba Branch, a past president of UELAC, and is currently president of the Assiniboine Branch.”