"What Now: Breaking Through the Research Wall"
Presented by Alice Walchuk, UE and Bruce Walchuk
Alice Walchuk UE and Bruce Walchuk will be presenting “What Now: Breaking Through the Research Wall”. This presentation will be of interest and value to all genealogical researchers who have encountered a research dead end.
Alice Walchuk has been a member of the Manitoba Branch UEL for 16 years and has served as Branch genealogist for 12 years. She has three proven loyalist lines (Banta, Forsyth, Aychler) and is working on a fourth.
Alice is a graduate of Lakehead University (BA-Ed. Hons) and served for 20 years as an educator of pre-school and special needs children. She is a member of several heritage organizations, including the Dryden Genealogical Society, the Ontario Genealogical Society, the New England Historical Society, and the Society of Mayflower Descendants (three descending lines, Alden, Mullins, and Brewster).
Alice has been involved in research in Métis and Scottish genealogy and has been active in digitizing the Birth, Marriage, and Death records of the United Church in Dryden. She has contributed research findings to Library and Archives Canada. Alice has presented many genealogical workshops and works constantly to upgrade her research skills.
Bruce Walchuk, a 45 year broadcast veteran, has been a member of the Manitoba Branch UEL for 15 years. He has been active in civic and heritage organizations in Dryden. He, along with Alice, has presented many genealogical workshops and has played a significant role in the project to digitize the United Church records. Most recently, he has been digitizing burial sites in Dryden.