Just over 1 year to go to Dominion Conference 2020! Beginning in July, your Conference Co-Chairs Wendy and Mary will be circulating “2020 Conference Communiques” on a regular basis, to keep you abreast of the latest news and developments.
See our first conference brochure! There’s a link at the top of the site’s home page to the brochure PDF. View, download, print or share. Inside the brochure, you’ll find the first glimpse about fabulous tours and planned events.
There are other ways to stay informed:
Special conference email account: UELMB2020@gmail.com (send us an email and ask to sign up for our advance news list)
Our website: A special “2020 Conference” area is coming soon to uelmanitoba.ca
Twitter: Follow us on twitter.com @UELMB2020
Facebook: Join the Manitoba Branch Facebook group (use search term “Manitoba Branch UELAC” to find us)
Dedicated phone/text #: (204) 514-4604
Dominion website: uelac.org
We’ll be adding a YouTube Channel later this summer.
Thanks, everyone!
Wendy Hart and Mary Steinhoff, Co-Chairs